Reverse Mortgage Benefits

Age In Place/ Stay At Home

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Increased Case Flow

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Flexible Access To Your Equity

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Non-Recourse Feature

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About Image 1

About Dan

Dan has been an expert in reverse mortgages since 2006. He is passionate about helping his clients make the financial change that can make their lives easier and more comfortable as they enjoy their retirement. Dan meets face-to-face with each of his clients to make sure they understand all aspects of a reverse mortgage. Feel free to reach out to Dan today to find out if a reverse mortgage is right for you.

Helping people stay in their homes by using a reverse mortgage has been one of the most rewarding job benefits anyone could ever hope for.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I have an existing mortgage?
  • Do I still own my own home?
  • Are there any restrictions on how I can use the proceeds from my reverse mortgage?
  • Does a reverse mortgage affect Medicare or Social security income?
  • Do I have to pay income tax on reverse mortgage proceeds?

Our Blogs

Using Reverse Mortgage Proceeds to Purchase Solar Panels

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Using Reverse Mortgage Proceeds to Purchase a Second Home

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Empowering Futures: Using Reverse Mortgage Funds for Your Loved Ones College Education

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Let’s Meet for Coffee

Find out if a reverse mortgage is the right fit for you!

